El Buho letra Luis R Conriquez
Letras de El Buho: - La canción de El Buho es cantada por Luis R Conriquez, la letra está escrita por Luis R Conriquez y la música dirigida por Luis R Conriquez.
El Buho Letra :-
For everyone who wants to know
We are the ones who fight the fence
of so much war here
The streets of Tijuana look like hell
I am from work and not from lawsuit
But if they look for me, I defend myself
Pulling on the gringos
And to all the clients, I have them happy
And to introduce myself, I have to tell you
That a long time ago, I also suffered from hunger
I preferred the streets instead of studying
I liked the fire that you can tell me
I've lived it all, even if I'm morerillo
But well tanned, I had my reasons
The need was greater than the fear
I've never minded getting into trouble
By code I am the Owl of Tijuana
slope of my land
This is how his company sounds Luis R Conriquez, old man
And pure Kartel Music
In the Zeta they have already burned me
But nothing has been verified
They think that because one works
He already has the instinct to kill
From La Tia to San Diego
They will look at me in the fire
I send my regards to Five, Two, and Eleven
Not forgetting the old
And to introduce myself, I have to tell you
That a long time ago, I also suffered from hunger
I preferred the streets instead of studying
I liked the fire that you can tell me
I've lived it all, even if I'm morerillo
But well tanned, I had my reasons
The need was greater than the fear
I've never minded getting into trouble
By code I am the Owl of Tijuana
slope of my land
Escrito por :- Luis R Conriquez
Cantante | Luis R Conriquez | ||
LETRISTA | Luis R Conriquez | ||
Música | Luis R Conriquez | ||
IDIOMA | Spanish | ||
Sello musical | Kartel Music |
Preguntas frecuentes sobre la canción de El Buho
Q1 Quien es la cantante de El Buho?
Ans Luis R Conriquez es la cantante de El Buho Song.
Q2 Quien es la escritora de El Buho letra ?
Ans Luis R Conriquez es el escritor de El Buho Song.
Q3 Quien es la directora musical de la cancion El Buho ?
Ans Luis R Conriquez es el director musical de El Buho Song.